Loan Origination System
Zuron’s Loan Origination System (LOS) is one of the most simple and comprehensive modules available in the industry that provides solutions by digitizing every step of the customer onboarding journey with a financial institution.

Zuron’s advanced platform allows collecting and analyzing all the data, right from customer acquisition across multiple channels, building contacts, identifying opportunities, and conversions, in simple steps and offering customized dashboards according to the requirements.
Distinctive features:
Omnichannel platform
Easily capture various lead management processes from different channels like DSAs, Connectors, or Employees.
Automated and fully customized underwriting processes which are in line with the internal policies and flexible for various banking products.
Robust compliance fulfilments through automated statutory and regulatory process which can be integrated with APIs for RCU, technical and legal verification before Credit Underwriting.
Great Versatility
Enable field agents to easily capture additional information regarding the load application, seamless document video uploading related to customer interaction.
Complete Traceability
Well-structured Digital Document Management Systems to capture and store loan documents and other records securely with an easy retrieval process.
Flexible User Experience
Highly flexible and user-friendly non-static landing page with easily modifiable front-end screens by users with less or no coding knowledge.